- You'll also find all the information in the following article
Find a room in a university/student residence
Find a room in a Diocesan Home
Find a room in a young workers' hostel
Find a short stay accommodation solution
New! A forum is now available on the Hub to share your housing tips:
Housing Allowance
- Need help with your housing search? This toolkit contains useful documents, please feel free to download them. https://www.jeunes-bfc.fr/logement-transport/logement/logement-outils-documents-a-telecharger/
- Looking for a guarantor? The VISALE guarantee (Visa pour le Logement et l'Emploi) is a rental guarantee granted by Action Logement. It guarantees the payment of rent and rental charges to your landlord in the event of non-payment. Free of charge, it aims to facilitate your search for accommodation by reassuring your landlord. More information on the Action Logement website : Action logement
- Need help with your security deposit? Avance loca-pass : a zero-interest loan to finance the security deposit (less than €1,200) to be repaid from the third month after the advance payment and over a maximum of 25 months (minimum repayment €20 per month).
- Need help with your rent? Several types of aid exist depending on your situation. For more information, visit the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales
Find an individual flat
- Studapart, dedicated accommodation platform: STUDAPART-BSB. You will have access to offers close to our campuses (Dijon and Lyon): studios, flatshares, rooms in private homes, etc. Create your account and provide yourself with a document proving that you have joined BSB (attestation, school certificate) and off you go.
👉 https://bsb-education.studapart.com/en/ For more information, you can consult the Studapart FAQ or read our article about Studapart
- Leboncoin : https://www.leboncoin.fr
Find a room in a university/student residence :
- Résidence "Cours fleury" : Agence Oralia : Located a stone's throw from BSB, this residence will open its doors in late spring 2023. Here are the documents you will need to submit your application:
For the tenant :
1- Two-sided proof of identity or valid passport
2- If already renting from an agency: 3 most recent rental receipts
If renting from a private individual: rental certificate + owner's telephone number
If living with parents: free accommodation certificate (dated and signed)
3- Student card or proof of schooling or return www.parcoursup.fr
4- Visa obtained on www.visale.fr
For unfurnished accommodation: proof of attachment to the parents' tax household with
their income tax notice from two years ago.
- Le Crous : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/
- Adele : https://www.adele.org/en/residence/urbanarea/dijon/student-housingh
- Logifac for Residence "Les académies des Ducs" : https://www.logifac.fr/residence/les-academies-des-ducs/
- Résidence Dijon Eiffel : https://www.nemea-residence-etudiante.com/france/bourgogne/cote-d-or/location-dijon-21000.html
- Les estudines - Dijon Cité des vignes : https://www.estudines.com/uk/student-housing-dijon/dijon-cite-des-vignes-residence
- Les estudines - Champollion : https://www.estudines.com/uk/student-housing-dijon/champollion-residence
- Résidence Le Drapeau : https://www.lesbellesannees.com/en/student-apartment-dijon/residence-le-drapeau/
- Résidence Le Clos Morlot : https://www.neoresid.com/residences/dijon/le-clos-morlot/
- Résidence Odalys Campus Trinité : https://www.odalys-campus.com/en/residences/student-residence-in-dijon-trinite/
- Résidence Les académies des ducs : https://www.logifac.fr/residence/les-academies-des-ducs/
- Burgun'Inn République : http://burgundinn.com/burgundinn-republique/?lang=en
- Burgund'Inn Université : http://burgundinn.com/burgundinn-universite/?lang=en
- Néméa - Residence Dijon Eiffel : https://en.nemea-residence-etudiante.com/france/bourgogne/cote-d-or/dijon/dijon-eiffel/residence-131.html
- Résidence Cardinal Campus : Résidence étudiante Dijon : 1887 Campus Dijon | Cardinal Campus (cardinalcampus-student.com)
- Crous - Résidence Antipodes : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-antipodes/
- Crous - Résidence Maret : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-maret/
- Crous - Résidence Rimbaud : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-rimbaud/
- Crous - Résidence Beaune : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-beaune/
- Crous - Résidence Jean Zay : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-jean-zay/
- Crous - Résidence Mansart : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-mansart/
- Crous - Résidence Montmuzard : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-montmuzard/
- Crous - Résidence IRTESS : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-irtess/
- Crous - Résidence Latitudes : https://www.crous-bfc.fr/logement/residence-latitudes/
Intergenerational housing:
- Association binôme 21 : https://www.binome21.fr/logement/
A rich and unique living experience: the senior provides the young person with a bedroom and some shared rooms in their home.
This "living together" arrangement gives the senior a reassuring and caring presence. It allows the young person to feel socially useful and to have access to a less expensive place to live.
The scheme can also be open to international students, provided they have a good enough command of the French language to be able to communicate with the senior citizen.
Intergenerational cohabitation is based on a simple idea: exchange of courtesies, which relies on everyone's goodwill to succeed. The guest is not there to take the place of a home help or care assistant. They provide a caring, friendly presence and a passive watch, and may be asked to perform small services such as closing the shutters, sharing one or two meals a week with the senior, .....
Process: fill in the information form as accurately as possible. This will be used to identify the senior most compatible with your profile. To ensure a quality home for everyone. Binôme 21 has drawn up a list of the documents you need to provide.
You will then be interviewed by someone from the association to validate your application.
Flatshare offers :
- La carte des colocs : https://www.lacartedescolocs.fr
- Colocatere : https://www.colocatere.com/en/rooms
- Leboncoin : https://www.leboncoin.fr
- Appartager : https://www.appartager.com
- The Young Workers' Hostel (Urbanalis) has 3 shared flats (see conditions) : https://www.urbanalis.fr/hebergement-passager-urbanalis/
Find a room in a Diocesan Home :
- Le foyer Giogio Frassati : for men only : https://www.diocese-dijon.com/actualite/57923-le-foyer-giorgio-frassati-propose-des-logements-pour-les-etudiants-a-dijon/
- Le foyer Saint Dominique : For girls only: permanent closure this summer (2023).
Find a room in a young workers' hostel :
- Urbanalis : https://www.urbanalis.fr/
Mixed, for 16-25 year olds.
To apply you must be in one of the following situations:
- Apprenticeship contract
- Professionalization contract
- Be employed in addition to your studies with a contract (CDI, CDD, Intérim, ...) of more than 60 hours per month (as this gives you the right to APL).
You will not be asked for a guarantor. Once you have applied, you will have an appointment with one of the facilitators. Following this interview, an internal committee will decide whether or not to allocate you a room.
Find a short stay accommodation solution :
- Bed and Crous : https://www.bedandcrous.com/residences/dijon
- Résidence Le Clos Morlot : https://www.neoresid.com/residences/dijon/le-clos-morlot/
- Urbanalis : https://www.urbanalis.fr/hebergement-passager-urbanalis/
For international students :
Are you new to BSB?
Are you a student from a partner university coming to BSB for an exchange semester?
Are you having financial or administrative difficulties finding accommodation?
Thanks to our partnership with the Crous, our International Relations department can offer you an accommodation solution.
Tell us about your situation at bsb.international@bsb-education.com and we'll look at the options available to you.